Why Thai Women Like Foreign Men

Why do Thai women like foreign men


IELTS               TOEFL       


Why do Thai women like foreign menThere are lots of reasons why Thai women like foreign men. Some are good reasons whilst others are not so delightful. We all know the reasons many holiday relationships ( and one night meetings ) start and the reason is money. However, here we will look at the normal Thai women and why they like to date foreign men.

There is no doubt that with more people visiting Thailand there will be a higher number of Thai- foreign relationships. However, there are many reasons these relationships take place so we will have a look at some of them below.


There is a big pressure in Thailand to be as beautiful and stylish as you can. A walk around the many shopping malls will show you how many plastic surgery, dieting and beauty shops there are. As such there is a lot of pressure on Thai women to find a handsome partner. With Korea and Japan being a huge influence on Thai culture many people link light skin to good looks. Foreigners, who typically have lighter skin than Thais, fall into this category and are seen as desirable and more handsome. You will notice even the basic healthcare products for men such as shaving foam and deodorant come with built in whitening chemicals showing that even Thai men seemingly want lighter skin. So with lighter skin it is a main reason why Thai women like foreign men.


In the last 15 or 20 years there has been a huge influence from foreign countries upon Thailand. This means that newer generations live a more commercial, international lifestyle than their parents. This acceptance of foreign culture means that younger Thai women are more open to dating foreigners. Many Thai women are very proud of their Thai culture but now couldn’t live without a Starbucks coffee or a trip to see the latest Hollywood blockbuster. This change in attitudes means communication between Thai women and foreigners has improved and Thai women are more confident and eager to talk with foreign men which makes relationships easier.


Money can be a reason why Thai women like foreign men. It is not uncommon to hear stories of men who marry Thai women, buy them a house and car and then find themselves kicked out and divorced ( less the house and car! ). However, I believe it is very easy to see which women like the money and which women are serious. In general I think these men only have themselves to blame.

However with a high burden put on children to look after elderly relatives a wealthier partner can help with the family. This is a big difference between the Thai and western systems and I feel if your girlfriend can accept your culture, habits and hobbies then a little help for the family is acceptable.

Of course there are many more reasons, please let me know what you think!

About Richard 176 Articles
British guy living and working in Bangkok, Thailand since 2013. Running LifeInANewCountry.com teaching and writer of Settling in Thailand expat book.